ReachArts Swampscott

Gayle Heney Talks Poetry with Agatha Morrell

Agatha Morrell Season 5 Episode 3

Gayle Heney is producer and host of the TV series Write Now and former two-term Poet Laureate of North Andover. She edited the poetry books Songs from the Castle’s Remains, and Leaf Sorrow Tree Strong and co-edited Soulmates.

Ms. Heney was an honoree for the Robert Frost Poetry Contest, and in 2021, she was the winner of the Haiga Poetry Contest of the Rockport Poetry Fest. Also in 2021, Ms. Heney was the featured poet for the Haverhill River Bards’ Spring Series and included in the book WordPlay.

Her work has also appeared in Merrimack Mic Takes the Fifth, Anthology V, Methuen Life Magazine and elsewhere. Ms. Heney judges the annual Memorial Hall Library Teen Poetry Contest in Andover, MA. She has led poetry workshops in libraries, schools, galleries, Essex Art Center and at MA Poetry Festivals. 

Write Now - Tim Baird
Original music: Calm Before by Larry Power (guitar) & Jack Kelly (harmonica)
Editing by Lajla Dale

Edited by Lajla Dale for TravelOggy. com

Series in association with
89 Burrill Street
Swampscott, MA 01907
Open Sundays 10-1



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