ReachArts Swampscott

Nancy Hewitt Talks Poetry with Agatha Morrell

Agatha Morrell Season 5 Episode 2

Nancy Hewitt’s love of language, story and poetry evolved alongside her 40-year career as a clinical social worker.  Her chapbook Heard was published in 2013 by Finishing Line Press, and her chapbook Completing the Arc will be published by the same press on July 15, 2022.  

Her poems have appeared in Spoon River Poetry Review (Editor’s Prize), Mid-American Review, Connecticut River Review, Phoebe Journal, Halcyone Magazine, The Ekphrastic Review, Ellipsis and other journals.  Her chapbook This Slanted Scene was a finalist for The Poetry Box award in 2019.  She has received nominations for the Pushcart Prize and for Best of the Net.  

Nancy received her MFA from the Vermont College of Fine Arts and was the first Poet Laureate of Swampscott, MA.  She finds inspiration in the Vermont countryside, in art and in travel.
Original music: Calm Before by Larry Power (guitar) & Jack Kelly (harmonica)
Editing by Lajla Dale

Edited by Lajla Dale for TravelOggy. com

Series in association with
89 Burrill Street
Swampscott, MA 01907
Open Sundays 10-1



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